Support CCS » Cathedral-Carmel Foundation

Cathedral-Carmel Foundation

     The mission of Cathedral-Carmel Foundation promotes the moral, social, educational, and material welfare of Cathedral-Carmel School in its efforts to teach Catholic values in an environment of educational excellence.
     Cathedral-Carmel Foundation was established in 1969 to build a corpus of endowed monies for the long-term support of Cathedral-Carmel School. A portion of the interest earned by the endowment funds are returned to the school (annually) in support of tuition assistance, teacher resources, and campus improvements. 
     The Foundation receives both restricted and unrestricted gifts of cash and/or stocks. Gifts to the Foundation help to preserve, promote, and perpetuate Cathedral-Carmel School as an outstanding educational institution. Restricted gifts are generally in the form of donations to a Named Endowment Fund, the Brick Campaign, or the Annual Golf Tournament. Unrestricted gifts are added to the corpus of the Foundation’s general endowment fund or operational fund. The Foundation also receives bequests as named in trusts or wills.
* We encourage you to discuss your options with your personal financial advisor to help insure that you take the best possible advantage of the charitable giving incentives of the tax laws.  Donations are tax-deductible if no goods or services are received in return for donations.  
Cathedral-Carmel Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization.